Port State Measures

The Marshall Islands have gradually implemented Port State Measures (PSM) since 2017 as an FAO PSMA non-party. And since July 2024, as a Party to FAO PSMA.
PSM are a fundamental element of its overall port operations system here at MIMRA.
The approaches and systems developed specifically in RMI, in line with title §506 Port State Measures of the RMI’s Fisheries Enforcement Act, were later embedded into the FFA PSM Framework.
MIMRA PSM includes requirements related to prior notification of port entry, use of designated ports, restrictions on port entry and port use in terms of landing/transhipment of fish, restrictions on supplies and services, documentation requirements and port inspections, as well as related measures, such as IUU vessel listing, trade-related measures and sanctions.
The system described below will be followed by any foreign-flagged and domestic fishing vessels and carriers requiring port entry in Majuro, the only nationally designated port for Fishing Vessel arrivals.

The Marshall Islands require the use of an agent to request port entry, and we worked on formalising that process and interaction through a website application called MIMRA Web App on which all agents log in and submit a port entry request. The authorised agents are:
Company | Contact | Email |
Kendall Micronesia Inc. | Kingsley Aloka | kmifva(at)yahoo.com.tw |
Kendall Micronesia Inc. | Angella Yen | kmifva(at)yahoo.com.tw |
Koos Fishing Company Ltd. | Orlando Paul | opaul29(at)gmail.com |
Koos Fishing Company Ltd. | Dion Muller | mullerdionk(at)gmail.com |
Koos Fishing Company Ltd. | Chun Mu Wang | wchunmu(at)yahoo.com |
M-GAS Shipping Co. | Arthmen Laukon | mgasship(at)gmail.com |
M-GAS Shipping Co. | Jacob Amram | mgasship(at)gmail.com |
Marshall Islands Fishing Ventures | Venhur Daquiado | venhur_daquiado(at)ltfv.com |
Marshall Islands Fishing Ventures | Jin Liang | jliang(at)ltfv.com |
PII | Jojo Kramer | jojo.kramer(at)piimajuro.com |
Pan Pacific Fishing | Steven Shen | shyby2017(at)gmail.com |
Ralik Ratak Fishing Co. | Iohaan Anjolok | ianjolok692(at)gmail.com |
Robert Reimers Enterprises | Romeo Reimers | romeoreimers(at)rreinc.com |
Twin Shipping Agency | Lee Jaeguk | majurotwins(at)hotmail.com |
Uliga Fishing Agency | Crispin Mark | uligafva(at)gmail.com |
The minimum time of request for a vessel not in the WCPFC register is 72 hr. Vessels not in the WCPFC register are assessed on a case by cases basis, and port entry is not guaranteed. The basis of the port entry analysis is of equivalent measures to the vessels whose entry is granted.
For vessels in the FFA Vessels of Good Standing List and the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessel, the minimum time is 48hr. Port entry is granted, and the MIMRA assessment focuses on port use.
For licensed FVs fishing in RMI waters, the minimum is 24 hrs, yet 48 is preferable.
Force Majeure and humanitarian reasons are the only exemptions to these time frames

Every incoming fishing vessel (including RMI flagged) goes through a risk assessment that creates the Arriving Vessel Intelligence Report (AVIR).
The intelligence analysis and risk determination allow for the identification of risks in three different categories corresponding to three steps in the analysis, including (i) identity – whether the vessel is who it says it is, (ii) manoeuvring – the vessel’s activity and operations and whether these were adequately reported, and (iii) licensing – whether the vessel is allowed to be in the location it was.
The risk analysis performed by MIMRA is focused on fishing vessels to assess the legality of the catch and on carriers' activities not directly related to transhipments.
MIMRA maintains a rate of 100% inspection on all foreign vessels, including fishing and carrier vessels, and port use is conditional to having a formal authorisation by the MIMRA officer.
Port use will be delayed when information regarding a vessel’s activities is not forthcoming or when no clear explanation is given.
Boarding officers are fundamental to MIMRA’s responsibilities as a responsible Port State. In case of identified noncompliance and potentially illegal behaviour, port use in not granted, and the officers oversee seizing evidence, including master/captain vessel’s documents and catch gear and vessel.

MCS Officer
Fisheries Officer (Boarding & Inspection)
Fisheries Officer (Boarding & Inspection)