Notice to the General Public of the Proposal on the Fishing License (Third Implementing Arrangement) (Amendments) Regulations of 2009

Notice to the General Public of the Proposal on the Fishing License (Third Implementing Arrangement) (Amendments) Regulations of 2009


Ñan karoñ aolep armej ro rej jukjuk im
amņak ilo Aelõñ Kein bwe Jerbal in kõmman Ļaijen ñan Eoñwod eo (Kein kajilu de in an Jutak karkan jerbal in) (Elmokot ko) Kakienin Jerbal an 2009
Ekkar ñan jāākjen 104(a) in Marshall I|slands Admimistrative Procedure eo ikijien Kakien 1979 (6MIRC Ch. 1.), im jāākjen 120(2) in Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority eo ikijien naan in Kakien, 1997 (51 MIRC Ch.1), in Marshall Islands Authority eo ej kõtmāne bwe enāj Keañ ñan kajjojo armej ro rej jukjuk im amnak ilo Aeloñ Kein ñan Kaalikkar Kakien in Eoñwõd eo (Kein kajilu de in an Jutak Karkan Jerbal in) (EImokot) Pedped wõt ilo Kakien in an 2024. Kaape in kakien kein emõj an kar rõlok ilo opij ko an Chief Secretary eo, ilo opij ko kajjojo an ra ko ilo Public Service eo, ijoko Chief Secretary eo ej opij e, ilo lbae, Imõn Jikin Ekajet eo ilo Majro, im lmon kọọnjeļ ko ioon Mājro im Ibae Kuwajleen. Jāākjen 120(d) in Kakien, 1997 (51 MIRC Ch.1) eo an Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority eo, kakien ko ren emmejaja ñan lelok oktak ñan elmokot eo " Ekkar ñan mõttan ko e, Eo me e|ap maroñ ko ippän an kõmman kakien im joñak ko rõkkar ĩan Eoon in, ilo tipdikin me|e|e ko e ak ñe ejjeļok mo ak kakien ņae an wõnmaan|ok wõt, maroñ in kakobaik tok kakien ko rõkkar ane.:... ilo waween kõjerbal im kõjparok jorraan ko nae kein eowõd ko einwõt, kõjerbal kāāj im eo ko, ekoba kein eoñwod kojet einwõt okaetok, ok kadkad, mwieo im bar kojet remaroñ kakkure pedped ko." Unin kar kakien ko ñan kõmman mālim in Eoñwõd (Kein kajilu de an Jutak Karkan Jerbal in) (Elmokot ko) in an 2019 einwõt aer elaajrak ijin: 2.Melele ko llo kakien kein rej jerbal, mae iien ñe eloñ un ko rökkar ñan kömman oktak: (20) "Tõre ko Remọ" meļeļein awa im ien ko ikõtaan 0001 awa UTC ilo 1 raan in Juļae im 2359 awa UTC 15 raan in Okwõj ilo kajojo iỏ. Jabdewõt naan im meļeļe ko jaaki maantak ñan opij eo an Marshall I|slands Marine Resources Authority eo ren jab rumwij lok jăn 29 raan in_Juun. 2024.

Notice to the General Public of the Proposal on the Fishing License (Third Implementing Arrangement) (Amendments) Regulations of 2009
Pursuant to Section 104(a) of the Marshall I1slands Administrative Procedure Act 1979 (6 MIRC Ch. 1) and Section 120(2) of the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority Act, 1997 (51 MIRC Ch.1), the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority wishes to submit this Notice to the General Public of the proposed DRAFT Fishing License (Third Implementing Arrangement) (Amendments) Regulations of 2024. Copies of the Regulations have been posted in the office of the Chief Secretary, in the office of each department head of the Public Service, at the office of the Chief Secretary's Representative on Ebeye, at the Courthouse on Majuro Atoll and at the Council Buildings on Majuro Atoll and Ebeye Island, Kwajalein. Section 120(d) of the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority Act, 1997 (51 MIRC Ch.1), regulations are to be promulgated to give effect to said Act *Subject to the provisions of this Title, the Authority may make regulations and standards to carry out the purposes and provisions of this Title, and in particular but without restricting the generality of the foregoing. may adopt regulations in relation to: ...the use and protection of fishing gear and equipment, including fish aggregating devises and artificial reefs' The proposed amendments to the Fishing License (Third Implementing Arrangement) (Amendments) Regulations of 2009 are as follows: 2. Interpretation In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires: (20) "Prohibition period" means the period of time between 0001 hours UTC on 1 July and 2359 hours UTC on 15 August each year". Any comments should be provided to the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority no later than 29 June, 2024.